The Institute of History at the
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
is a major scientific centre for fundamental and specialized research of
problems of Bulgarian history as well as issues of general history. The
institute coordinates the scientific research into these problems that is
carried out throughout the country. It publishes the multiple-volume History of Bulgaria
[История на България]
and Sources of Bulgarian History [Извори
за българската история] (including
Latin, Turkish, German, Czechoslovakian and Hebrew sources of Bulgarian history). The institute publishes the
periodicals Bulletin of the Institute of History [Известия
на Института по история],
Studies on
Bulgarian History [Изследвания по
българска история],
Historical Disciplines [Помощни
исторически дисциплини],
Historiques, Byzantinobulgarica, as well as the
academic journals Bulgarian Historical Review and Historical Review [Исторически преглед].
The Institute of History was founded in 1947. Many of the most renowned
Bulgarian scholars of history, who have gained international recognition,
have worked in it: Academician Ivan Snegarov, Academician Ivan Duychev,
Academician Dimitar Angelov, Academician Dimitar Kossev, Academician Hristo
Hristov, Prof. Alexander Bourmov, Prof. Ivan Undzhiev, Prof. Hristo Gandev,
Prof. Kroumka Sharova, Prof. Virginia Paskaleva, Prof.
Vera Moutafchieva, Academician
Konstantin Kossev, etc.
The Institute of History works in the field of theoretical and specialized
problems of Bulgarian national, political, social, religious and cultural
history from the establishment of the Bulgarian state to the present day, as
well as on problems of world history and international relations. The
comparative-historical investigation of Bulgaria’s role and place in the
general historical process, of the contributions of the Bulgarian nation to
the cultural treasury of mankind are the main directions of scientific
research in the Institute of History.
Bulgarian people’s arduous journey through history, its struggles for
national independence, the National Issue, the problems of the Bulgarians
who remained outside the borders of the Bulgarian State, the repercussions
of historical development on the contemporary fate of Bulgarians and the
assertion of our national identity have been the areas of extensive
historical investigation for many generations of historians.
Scholars from the Institute of History have provided their assistance as
experts in the development of projects for agencies and institutions of the
Bulgarian State, international projects and programmes, for mass media
programmes, the film industry, etc.
More about the history of the Institute >>
Half a Century since
the Establishment of the Institute of History at the BAS (by
Corresponding Member Georgi Markov).
Presentation of the IHS-BAS on BBT: July 29th, 2011